- USA Pigeon Derby will offer a raffle for a Toyota Corolla with zero (0) miles.
- In the last race of 350 miles the first 60 paid positions will have the right to take the prize of the FREE car.
- Prize to be awarded to the selected randomly drawn number.
- We offer a four-race series.
- 150 miles
- 200 miles
- 250 miles
- 350 miles
- The maximum capacity of the loft is 7,500 birds.
- We are accepting birds from February 15 to Jun 30,.
- Replacement birds will be accepted until Jun 30.
- Participants must be over 21 years old.
- The perch fee must be sent with the birds.
- The perch fee is non-refundable.
- The Activation Fee is $350 per bird.
- The activation fee will be refunded as long as the pigeon was not basketed at the 150 mile race.
- Race dates are subject to change due to weather conditions, be it rain or wind of more than 14 mph.
- All birds must be banded with a 2025 seamless band recognized by a National Organization
- Birds will be vaccinated on a first-come, first-served basis against PMV and POX.
- Any bird not activated will automatically be the property of USA Pigeon Derby.
- 15% will be withheld for race expenses.
- Prizes will be awarded by clicking order for the 150, 200 and 250 races except the 350 Mile Race.
- The final 350 mile race will be paid on the first drop and then by clocking order.
- The breeder shall have the right to collect all his activated birds.
- The final race will remain open for a period of 48 hours, if no pigeon returns in that period of time, all the prizes will be refunded except 15% for the race expenses.
- The loft manager has the right to make the final decisions.
- The final prizes will be adjusted according to the final activation.
- No gambling allowed before or during the ace, participants will only compete for the capital prize.
- All birds will have 9th and 10th feathers removed prior to training, this will allow the birds to be competitive.
- A completed W-9 form will be required for all winnings of $600 or more.
- Visitors are welcome by appointment only and can not handle any bird.
- Birds will be returned upon request and arrangements must be made within 15 days of the last race. The breeders are responsible for shipping costs. Birds not claimed will become the property of USA Pigeon Derby.
- In the final 350-mile race, after the first 3 pigeons arrive on their own, as they will be the winners of the payments for the three medals, the rest of the pigeons in the first group will be herded to avoid mixing with the next arriving pigeons. After the first group, all subsequent pigeons will need to enter the loft on their own.
- In case of any of the races being difficult and within 48 hours of the stopwatch being active if all the prize spaces were not occupied, the stopwatch will be switched off 30 minutes after sunset on the second day and the unoccupied prizes will be divided equally between the first ones that were occupied and in case of a disastrous race all the race capital except 15% will be divided equally between all the pigeons that went to the race.